by Hélène Gagaille | Mar 23, 2020 | Filming
No incinerator, everything is sorted, composted, prepared for recycling. Less than 5% of the waste is buried (in landfill)! See...
by Hélène Gagaille | Mar 23, 2020 | Event
we organised a screening and debate to imagine altogether our city of tomorrow, and it was at the Maison Ecocitoyenne de Bordeaux ! See...
by Hélène Gagaille | Mar 23, 2020 | Event
we invited Aremacs, Boycott Citoyen, La Bascule, Zero Waste France and Zero Waste Paris to a screening of our first video production and a discussion about Zero Waste: a realistic utopia? See...
by Hélène Gagaille | Mar 23, 2020 | Filming
How can society become zero waste? Who must act? And how? Zero Waste Europe is a specialist in this area! See...
by Hélène Gagaille | Mar 23, 2020 | Event
organised by Make Sense, with Zero Waste Bordeaux, La révolution des tortues and Récup we tried to answer “Why and how does ecology accelerate creativity?” Read...
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